We require users to provide a proof of identity and, under some circumstances, a proof of address document to verify their account. Below you can find a list of documents we can accept.
Proof of identity
For your proof of identity we can accept:
- Passport
- Driving licence
- National identity card (both sides required)
Any other identity documents won't be accepted, and any identity document uploaded will need to be valid and in-date to be approved.
Proof of address
For your proof of address we can accept:
- Bank statements (physical statements or downloaded e-statements are acceptable)
- Utility bills (gas, water, electric)
- Telephone bills (fixed line only, mobile phone related documents can't be accepted)
- Credit card statements (at our discretion)
- Driving licence (if not used as proof of identity)
- National identity card (if not used as proof of identity, both sides required)
Any proof of address document will need to clearly state your name, address and an issue date within the last 6 months (driving licence excepted) to be approved.
Driving licenses and national identity cards can only be used as proof of address if not already used as proof of identity.
Downloaded e-statements and bills are acceptable, but we can't accept screenshots.
To complete your account verification you may also be required to upload a selfie. For a selfie to be approved you will need to be holding the document used as your proof of identity, as well as a handwritten note that states the random number that will be shown to you in the example on screen.
Please note we can only accept verification documents that are written in Latin characters.
If your uploads are being rejected and you aren't sure why then you can find a list of common reasons here.
Have any questions? Get in touch!